§ 102: Legal List Styles
Lower Case
Legal: y, z, aa, bb
- Just (a)
- Skip a few (z)
- This should be (aa)
- Legal lists should have (bb) here.
- Then (cc)
Normal: y, z, aa, ab
- Just (a) like parens-lower-alpha-legal
- Skip a few (z)
- This should be (aa) like before
- But this change here. This should be (ab)
- And this is (ac)
Upper Case
Legal: Y, Z, AA, BB
- Same but upper case this time (A)
- …
- Skip a few (Z)
- This should be (AA)
- Legal lists should have (BB) here.
- Then (CC)
Legal: Y, Z, AA, AB
- Basic but upper case (A)
- Skip a few (Z)
- This should be (AA) like before
- But this changes here. This should be (AB)
- And this is (AC)