Chapter 1b: Basket Weaving Regulations With Footnote Annotation Formatting Reserved
Baskets are great for picnics, eggs, and carrying vegetables.
Because of Section 5’s annotation length. This entire twig should have footnotes.
This is reserved.
§§ 1-1 through 3-4: Basketweaving Regulations Repealed Reserved
You should only make regulations about baskets but not actually make baskets.
This should display as a range with §§ 1-1 through 3-4. It is both repealed and reserved which isn’t terribly realistic.§ 4: Underwater Basketweaving Reserved
This section is empty.This is reserved and is a single section with no content and this endnote.§ 5: Content to Annotation Ratio Forces Footnotes Reserved
Terse. Assumes site.Params.sidenoteFootnoteBreakpoint = 2.5
This is annotation is far longer than the content so it the ratio means this should be displayed as a footnote not a sidenote.